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Title: Analisis Pengaruh Harga Produk, Citra Produk dan Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Brand Loyality Produk Indomie.
Authors: Najib, Mukhamad
Anggraeni, Raden Lidya
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Brand Loyality is a loyality behave who showed from consumer to one spesific brand. To improve loyality of consumer, we need a lot of indicator to support it. The objectives of this research are to know the influence of price product, brand image and satisfication of consumer to brand loyality of Indomie. Three X variable are describe to spesific indicator that written in questioner. In this research, the methode are used is structural equation modeling. The result showed, there’s influence between three X variable to brand loyality. But, only two of them show significant influence. The variable is brand image and satisfication of consumer. Price did not show significant influence and only contribute 9.8% to brand loyality. Brand Image olny can influence 5.4% and the biggest influence comes from satisfication of consumer to brand loyality in 97.1%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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