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Title: Potensi Sumber Daya Ikan Selar Kuning, Tembang, dan Tongkol di Selat Sunda yang Didaratkan di PPP Labuan, Banten
Authors: Boer, Mennofatria
Butet, Nurlisa A
Agustina, Siska
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Pelagic fishery potential in the Sunda Strait is the highest compared to other fisheries. The dominant pelagic fish caught were yellowstripe scad, fringescale sardinella, and thonine orientale. Pelagic fish is a economic important, that facing arrest are increasing every year and it is feared to overfishing. The aims this study are to assess the utilization condition of pelagic fish in PPP Labuan, Banten especially about biological and economic aspects. The method used to determine potential is through the selection correctly of surplus production. Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and maximum economic yield (MEY) are 1875.02 ton/year dan 1874.71 ton/year for yellowstripe scad, 3311 ton/year dan 3303 ton/year for fringescale sardinella, also 1721.17 ton/year and 1710.64 ton/year for thonine orientale. Actual catche efforts of yellowstripe scad, fringescale sardinella, and thonine orientale has greater than optimum efforts, so that indicated has been biological and economic overfishing. Economic rent on the actual condition of the third kind of fish is lower than the economic rent of MSY and MEY conditions. This condition can be caused by the rate exploitation of the three kinds of fish exceeding the optimum exploitation (> 0.5) so it had overexploited. Economic rent on the actual condition is lowest because degradation of the fish resources has increased every year. The better utilization is MEY condition because these have maximum benefit. Management plan of pelagic fish in PPP Labuan are reduction fishing effort, selectivity of fishing gear, and setting size of the fish can be caught.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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