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Title: The Development of information system services for Monitoring the Student Attendance and Test Grades which is usable at SMAN 3 Pekanbaru
Authors: Nurhadryani, Yani
Sukoco, Heru
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: SMAN 3 Pekanbaru is locating close to the market. Average rate of absenteeism (sick, license, absent and late) is 20 students (1.5%) of 936 students per day. The information services for monitoring the student attendance and test grades are a system that manages the student’s attendances and grades level. This system gives the reports not only from the student report and attendance book, but also managed and reported as an information transmission for the parents or school. The reports which are delivered to the parents have expected to help the schools to monitor the student study development at their home. This is an important matter because the advancement of the school cannot be detached from parent’s role and school environment. The information transmission or communication to the parents has done using Short Message Services from mobile devices. The Short Message Services have selected because it can run on every mobile device not has to be using a smartphone. The student attendance and grades reported not only sent directly by the system to the parents, but also could be requested by the parents to find out the attendance and grades information. The Development of system adopted System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) information system method. It includes the analysis, design, implementation and testing. The analysis uses for problem identification and system requirements. The design uses for system reflection. The implementation uses for design representation into a programming language so that produces an interface input and output system. The testing uses usability test for testing the system difficulties using USE Questionnaire. The usability testing gives the results that the systems is easy to use, benefit, fine accepted, and satisfy the parents and also give the easiness for the parents to monitor their child development in the school. The testing process of the system involves the parents as a respondent. Based on the usability testing results, the system is easy to use and help the parents to monitor the attendance and development of their child. The failure report from information sending process just gives the “sending error” report message without knowing the cause of that failure. It gives a chance for the future development to add some extra features such as a log error for impound all of the failure to give a clue for quick and precise problem solving.
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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