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Title: Intersepsi Radiasi Matahari dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Merah pada Kondisi Tanpa Naungan dan Ternaungi
Authors: Impron
Ulinata, Enda
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Applications of shading modifes the amount of radiation reaching the plants. This study was aimed to determine the influence of shading by paranet 50% and 75% on leaf area index (LAI), solar radiation use efficiency (RUE) and production of red pepper. For the duration of filed experiment of 127 days, total global radiation above the plant canopy in open areas was 1778 MJ/m², above the plant canopy in the shading by paranet 50% was 1629 MJ/m² and above the plant canopy in the shading by 75% was 1364 MJ/m². In plants without shading, the maximum value of LAI was 3.18 and the minimum was 0.75, while the maximum RUE was 2.8 g/MJ and minimum RUE was 1.5 g / MJ. In shading by paranet 50%, the maximum LAI was 2.75 and minimum LAI was 0.64, maximum RUE was 2.7 g/MJ and minimum RUE was 1.4 g/MJ. In plants with shading by paranet 75%, the maximum value of LAI was 2.58 and the minimum was 0.60, while the maximum RUE was 2.6 g/MJ and minimum RUE was 1.3 g/MJ. Plants under shading by paranet 75% only produced 7% of the biomass of plants without shading.
Appears in Collections:UT - Geophysics and Meteorology

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