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dc.contributor.advisorNikmatin, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorHerdianto, Nendar
dc.contributor.authorFarhani, Arlin Nissa
dc.description.abstractThe synthesis of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from limestone has been investigated by precipitation methode. The origin material of nanocystalline hydroxyapatite fabrication are ammonium hydrogen phosphate and calcinated limestone at 900 oC during 4 hours which produced calcium oxide (CaO). This research focuses on the influence of addition rate calcium solution and calcium precursor size. Various size of calcium precursor was prepared by milling CaO using HEM. From theParticle Size Analyzer (PSA) analysis result show that calsium before miling has a average size 45 μm and after milling 387.89 to 2,162.66 nanometers depending on the duration of milling time. Morphological analysis by SEM measurament shows that the particle of HAp are tightly agglomerated and globular in shape. The EDX analysis showed that the ratio of Ca/P hydroxyapatite which using calcium precursor from miling and without miling was 1.67 and 1.61, respectively. TEM images showed the crystal size distribution and morphology. Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite formed has a size of length 10-150 nm and diameter 10-40 nm.en
dc.titleKombinasi Teknik Top Down dan Bottom Up dalam Pembuatan Nanokristalin Hidroksiapatit dari Batu Gamping.en
dc.subject.keywordHigh Energy millingen
Appears in Collections:UT - Physics

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