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Title: The construction of a rule to combine sentence graphs
Authors: Nurdiati, Sri
Bukhari, Fahren
Amanah, Ayu
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Nowadays, people prefer to read an electronic article or text and it requires a short time to understand the content or substance of the text. This is due to time constraints and other activities are more important than reading. However, reading remains an important thing to do. This can be solved by making a summary of the text. Summary text is done by using the Knowledge Graph and carried through two stages, namely representation and simplification or simplification results representation. Representation of a text is carried out in stages because the text has several elements, ie words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs. Representation of text elements that have been researched are words, phrases, and clauses. The representation can be used to generate a representation of the sentence. Representation of sentences requires a rule so that everyone produces the same representation. Therefore, the authors conducts a study on a representation of the meaning of the sentence. This research aims are to create a rule to construct a sentence graph and a rule to combine sentence graphs. The benefit of this research is to provide the rules for constructing a sentence graph thus eliminating the ambiguity of the sentence. Knowledge Graph method is a way to describe or represent of human language that is more centered on the semantic aspects of the syntactic aspect. The Knowledge Graph consists of two components, namely concept and relationship. Concept consists of three elements, namely token, type, and name. Token is a concept that is understood by a person according to their perspectives; this affects token to be subjective. Type is a concept that has been agreed and it is considered as general information so that affect type to be objective. Name is an individualized concept and unique. Relationship consists of several types of relations, namely ALI, CAU, SUB, DIS, ORD, PAR, EQU, and SKO. ALI relation is used to connecting the token with the type. CAU relation is used to connecting the two concepts that have a causal relationship. SUB relation expresses a concept as a part of another concept. DIS relation is used to presenting two concepts are not the same. ORD relation is stated that two things have a certain order to each other. PAR relation is stated that a thing is an attributes (properties) of the other things. EQU relation is used to connecting the two equal or similar concept. SKO relation expresses dependency relationship between two concepts. This study uses a sentence that has a type based on the basic structure of the sentence, which is the structure of subject-predicate sentence, the structure of subject-predicate-object sentence, the structure of subject-predicate-adverb sentence, the structure of subject-predicate-complement sentence, the structure of subject-predicate-object-adverb sentence, and the structure of subject-predicate-object-complement sentence. Chronology of the research is as follows, (1) studying literature which is about the types of sentences, the Knowledge Graph methods, the application of the Knowledge graph methods, and the standard procedures for Indonesian language. (2) creating rules to construct a sentence graph, with the following steps, (2a) construct a sentence graph, (2b) test rules to construct a sentence graph, (2c) improve rules to construct sentence graph. (3) making or construct a rule to combine two sentence graphs, with the following steps, (3a) combine two sentence graphs, (3b) test rules to combine two sentence graphs, (3c) improve rules to construct two sentence graphs. Construction of a sentence graph consists of three steps, namely (1) the separation of sentences based on sentence structure, (2) the establishment of a graph of each sentence structure, (3) the combination of sentence structure graph. Combine two sentence graphs consists of four steps, namely (1) construct the sentence graphs. (2) examine the structure of each sentence, with the result of the examination, ie (2a) between the two sentences has same component, (2b) between the two sentences there are the same components in its meaning, (2c) between the two sentences has not same component. (3) combine two sentence graphs using the same relation to each sentence graph. (4) combine two sentence graphs using the same components.
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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