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Title: Peran Zakat dalam Pembangunan Manusia (Kasus Program Pendayagunaan Zakat BAZ Kota Bogor)
Authors: Beik, Irfan Syauqi
Murniati, Rina
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Zakah is one of the instruments that plays a role in human development and has considerable potential in Indonesia. This research aims to describe development of zakah utilization programs managed by BAZ Kota Bogor. The also attamps to verified the change in the mustahik income with the presence of zakat distribution, and analyzes the role of zakah towards HDI and poverty level of mustahik. By using t-statistic , HDI at individuals level, and poverty indices, as tools analysis, it is found that zakah has positive impact on human development in Bogor City. The progress fo zakah distribution shows an impressive growth overtime. The t-statistic test results indicate that zakah distribution significantly affect income level of mustahik. The value of HDI of mustahik could also be increase from 47 to 49 in the present of zakah programs. Similarly, the values of four poverty indices comparasing headcount ratio index (H), poverty gap index (P1), income gap indeks (I), sen indeks of poverty (P2) could also be lower.
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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