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Title: Kelayakan Usaha Perkebunan Kopi Arabika pada Anggota Koperasi Syariah Padamukti di Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Authors: Muflikh, Yanti Nuraeni
Fadli, Muhamad
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: In carrying out the arabica coffee business, the farmer cooperative members make a Memorandum of Understanding with Perum Perhutani through forest management with the community (PHBM) programme covering area of 356.84 hectare. The aim of this research is to analyze the feasibility of arabica coffee plantation Of Syari'ah Cooperation Padamukti members based on 3 business scales range < 0.5 ha, between 0.5-1 ha, and > 1 ha. Analysis method that has been used is non financial analysis method such as market aspects, technical aspects, management aspects, and legal aspects, social and environmental aspects. Financial analysis is based on the assessment criteria of investment such as NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and Payback Period. Sensitivity analysis calculates the changing price effect and declining production. The analysis results showed based arabica coffee plantation business of farmers Syari'ah Cooperation Padamukti members based on 3 business scales are feasible and worth to run. On business scale < 0.5 ha and business scale between 0.5 ha - 1 ha greater benefits than business scale > 1 ha. The result from sensitivity that the canging price effect and declining period still feasible to run.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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