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dc.contributor.advisorEkayani, Meti
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Fernando
dc.description.abstractCigamea waterfall tourism area is currently included to the expansions of Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) is famous among who come to TNGHS. Cigamea Waterfall at TNGHS can give a positive impact such as opportunity job and income for the local society. The local society can get positive impact if the preservation of natural resources in TNGHS can be maintained due to the important of natural resources to support natural tourism activities. Therefore the local society expected to support the natural resources sustainability for the existence of Cigamea Waterfall. The value and economic impact of Cigamea Waterfall need to be estimated to know how much the economic impact to the local society. Based on the estimation using individual travel cost method showed that the economic value of Cigamea Waterfall was Rp 3 886 099 200. The Economic impact generated from tourism activities measured by multiplier effect and the value of multiplier effect was 2.9 for the keynesian income multiplier, 1.5 for ratio income multiplier type 1, and 1.7 for ratio income multiplier type 2. The result showed that Cigamea Waterfall has an important part to the economic impact of local society. On the other hand, the existence of Cigamea waterfall not only can give positive impact but also can give negative impact such as threaten damage to natural resources and the environment from the large number of visitors. One of the tools that can be used to control the number of visitors is the application of the optimum entrance fee. The optimum entrance fee in Cigamea Waterfall estimated by using willingnes to pay of visitors. If the managers increasing the entrance fee in Cigamea Waterfall for the conservation fund of natural resource and developing tourism area. Based on the calculation, the average values of visitor’s WTP for the entrance fee in Cigamea Waterfall was Rp 10 122. The entrace tariff that adapted from visitor’s WTP can decrease visitor’s number, but in another part can increase Manager’s income which can be allocated for conservation cost.en
dc.titleEstimasi Nilai dan Dampak Ekonomi Wisata Alam Curug Cigamea di Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salaken
dc.subject.keywordTravel Cost Methoden
dc.subject.keywordNatural Tourismen
dc.subject.keywordMultiplier Effecten
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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