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Title: Pembuatan Biofilm Selulosa Asetat dari Selulosa Mikrobial Nata de Cassava
Authors: Syamsu, Khaswar
Kuryani, Tutus
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Cellulose acetate is one of cellulose derivative produced by acetylation in acetate anhydride reactant. The objectives of this research are to produce cellulose acetate biofilm from microbial cellulose nata de cassava. Nata de cassava as fermentation product of tapioca liquid waste assisted by Acetobacter xylinum for 8 days dried and crushed into powder. Microbial cellulose powder was activated by glacial acetate acid, acetyled in acetate anhydride using ratio 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5 for 1, 2, and 3 hours then hydrolyzed by weak acetate acid. The suspension deposited in aquades, dried then crushed into powder form. Cellulose acetate powder diluted in acetone and added by glycerin then poured into glasses plate. Cellulose acetate has acetyl number between 30,60-44,51%. Biofilm has average tensile strength 320,50 kgf/cm2, elongation 3,06%, WVTR 461,97 g/m2/24 jam, and water absorbing power 10,52%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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