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Title: Study of Operations Strategy of Fish Feed Company Based on By Products of Capture Fisheries and Agroindustry at CV Babelan Agro Sejahtera Bekasi.
Authors: Syamsun, Muhammad
Jamaran, Irawadi
Rahmanto, Muhamad Ikhwan
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Generally, fish feed manufactured by a large company , has a standard of quality and price is relatively expensive but supported extensive distribution network and provide ease of payment due to its customers . CV Babelan Agro Sejahtera ( CV BAS ) is one of the few small industries that produce fish feed with standard quality and low price , but still a limited distribution network. These conditions require CV. BAS to increase their competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to formulate a combination of raw fish feed quality – based on by products of capture fisheries and agroindustry, for minimizing the cost of raw materials, and formulating operations strategy to improve product competitiveness. Object of this study is the operational activity of the CV . BAS in Kampung Jaya subdistrict Kedaung Kedung Babelan Bekasi . Data was collected by observation to the company , analizing secondary data , in-depth interviews with managers , and delivery of AHP questionnaire to 1 ( one ) person managing the company and 5 ( five ) expert respondents that are determined by purposive sampling. Analysis of the data used include linear programming analysis, SWOT analysis, and Analysis Hierarchy Process. Before minimization, fish feed raw material costs Rp. 2964.00/kg and after minimization of Rp. 2770/kg. These results indicate that the price of fish feed CV. BAS is still very competitive, so as to maintain its price. This strategy needs to be coupled with a search for alternative raw materials. The result of internal-external matrix to put operations of CV. BAS at cell IV. Its sugest the grow and build. This means CV. BAS should focus on market penetrations, market development, product development (intensive strategy). From the operational perspective, a backwad integrations, forward integration, and horizontal integration should also be considered. While the results of the SWOT analysis raises three alternative strategy : maintaining prices, increased production capacity, and the development of SCM. The results of the AHP analysis produces the following strategic priorities: (1) the development of SCM (0.560), (2) to maintain prices (0.225), and (3) increasing the capacity of production(0.215). Implementation of these strategies must consider four criteria with priority (1) Quality (0.473), (2) Delivery (0.230), (3) Flexibility (0.180), and (4) Costs (0.113)
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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