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dc.contributor.advisorKhomsan, Ali
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Budi
dc.contributor.authorKarimah, Ima
dc.description.abstractSedentary lifestyle in children causes low physical activity and increase incident of overweight and obesity. Obesity is a condition characterized by fat mass increase in certain parts or the whole body (Mahan & Escott-Stump 2004), or excess weight more than 20% of normal weight (Siagian 2004). Physical activity is an integral part of children‟s growth and development. Physical activity is important for physical, psychosocial, and mental development in children. Low physical activity may causes physical fitness decline. Physical fitness among school children is important to support their academic achievement in school. The main objective of this research was to analyze physical activity, physical fitness, and academic achievement in overweight and normal elementary school children. Specifically, it was aimed to: 1) analyze physical activity, physical fitness, and academic achievement in overweight and normal children; 2) analyze nutrient intake and nutritional adequacy in overweight and normal children; 3) analyze the relationship between nutrient intake and nutritional status; and 4) analyze the factors that influence physical fitness and academic achievement in overweight and normal children. This research design was a cross sectional study. This research was conducted in Bogor City from August to October 2013. The population in this study was 5th grade elementary school students in two favorite private elementary schools in Bogor City, which was Bina Insani and Insan Kamil elementary schools. These two elementary schools were selected purposively with consideration they have the same characteristics. Inclusion criteria of school was predominantly upper middle class families. Samples are students who are overweight (include obese) and normal, according to WHO standards. Students categorized as obese if the BMI/age +1 SD < Z ≤ +2 SD, obese BMI/age > +2 SD, and normal if BMI/age -2 SD < Z ≤ +1 SD (Indonesia Ministry of Health 2011).The sample in this research are 108 children, consists of 52 male and 56 female aged 10-11 years old. Data collected includes children characteristics, nutritional status, physical activity level, physical fitness, and academic achievement. Children characteristics consist of age and gender. Children activity level expressed in physical activity level (PAL). PAL obtained by interviewing students about the activities done on school days and holidays. Data on physical activity including the duration and type of the activities. PAL values obtained by multiplying the time allocation of certain types of activity with PAR value (energy expenditure for this kind of activity per unit time). Physical activity values were categorized into three level, those are light (1.40-1.69), moderate (1.70-1.99), and severe (2:00 to 2:40) (FAO/WHO/UNU 2001). Physical fitness was measured by observation with physical fitness test of Indonesia Elementary School Children (Nurhasan & Cholil 2007). Those physical tests were sprint of 40 meters, pull up, sit up, jump up, and 600 meters run. Each test was given score 1-5. Physical fitness was determined by the sum of score of each test. The categories were excellent (22-25 point), good (18-21 point), moderate (14-17 point), less (10-13 point), and poor (5-9). Futhermore, physical fitness was grouped into fit and non fit. The consideration of this classification was physical fitness of children in this research only range from moderate to poor, there were no excellent or good score. Fit physical fitness score was 14-17 point and non fit score was 5-13 point. In this research, measurement of physical test was helped by sport teacher with consideration they have skill to measure those test. Statistic analysis is used are descriptive and inferential. Inferentia statistic are Chi Square test, independent t test, and regression. Most children had light physical activity level, both in normal and overweight. This research showed that physical activity level between normal and overweight children was not different (p>0.05). The result in this research showed that normal children had better physical fitness than overweight children. Independent t-test showed that physical fitness between normal and overweight children was different (p<0.05). Average physical fitness score in normal children was higher than overweight, which were 13.4±2.1 point and 10.9±1.7 point respectively. Physical activity had not relationship with nutritional status or physical fitness (p>0.05). Average of energy intake and other nutrients on overweight was higher than normal. Nutrient adequacy level (energy and protein) was higher on normal than overweight. Most of calcium adequacy level on children were high. Average of iron adequacy level on normal children was lower than overweight. Nutrient adequacy level (energy, protein, calcium, and iron) had not relationship with nutritional status. Academic achievement of normal and overweight childrens were not different (p>0.05). Regression analysis showed that nutritional status had significant impact on physical fitness (p<0.05), but physical activity level did not influence physical fitness (p>0.05). Factors that affect academic achievement were physical fitness and nutritional status (p<0.05). Physical fitness and nutritional status had negative effect on academic achievement. But this effect was still weak.en
dc.titlePhysical avtivity, physical fitness, and academic achievement in normal and overweight elementary school children in Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordacademic achievementen
dc.subject.keywordelementary schoolchildrenen
dc.subject.keywordphysical activityen
dc.subject.keywordphysical fitnessen
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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