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Title: Penerapan Algoritme Prefixspan dan GSP untuk Mencari Pola Sekuensial pada Data Peminjaman Buku di Perpustakaan IPB
Authors: Sitanggang, Imas S
Mustafa, Badollahi
Pramudita, Arina
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: IPB's library as a learning support unit for student has an important role such as book lending service. The data obtained from the circulation transaction will generate a certain pattern of books that are being borrowed by library user. This research applies the prefixspan algorithm and generalized sequential pattern (GSP) algorithm to obtain a sequential pattern. The amount of data used ranges from 50 to 4104 with the value of minimum support ranges from 5% to 20%. The results show that the GSP algorithm works better on high minimum support while prefixspan algorithm works better in low minimum support. The sequential patterns generated from the two algorithms show the relationships between item: book code 820 (literature) with 027 (general), book code 631 (agriculture) with 658 (management, administration, commercial organizations), and book code 631 with 636 (husbandry). The most frequently borrowed book from the entire dataset is the book code 658.
Appears in Collections:UT - Computer Science

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