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Title: Pemanfaatan Bakteri Streptococcus mutans sebagai Perapuh Gigi Seri pada Tikus Putih
Authors: Priyambodo, Swastiko
Adliyah, Esi
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Rat incisor keeps growing along with rat’s life. Rat incisor can be controlled by gnawing, however it may bring disadvantages to human such as plant cultivation damage and household tool. The strenght of rat’s teeth is high, so they can consume something hard. Usage of Streptococcus mutans as rat incisor fragility agent is one of the ways to solve this matter. S. mutans can be examined 4 treatment, i.e. control, 3x104, 3x106, and 3x108 cfu/ml and different period of time, i.e. 4 and 8 days. The variable which observed are hardness of the rat incisor and preference of consumption to paddy and pellets. In this experiment, the bacteria decreases the hardness of rat incisor and consumption to paddy in all consentration. Consumption to pellets increased after the application but it’s not appropriate during application. Interaction of those factors is the longer S. mutans given to the rat, the more fragility will happen to rat incisor and will impact to the paddy consumption, except control and 3x108cfu/ml. Decreasing of paddy consumption could be taken place between 46.8% to 59.4%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Plant Protection

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