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dc.contributor.advisorJaya, I Nengah Surati
dc.contributor.authorCita, Finitya Arlini
dc.description.abstractIncrement and biomass are two important indicators mainly used to measure the potential productivity of forest stand. This research was intended to measure the increment rate and biomass content of mangrove forest using remote sensing and terestrial approaches. The research was conducted in mangrove forest within the Kandelia Alam and Bina Ovivipari Semesta concession area, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The ground measurement plots were located on the basis of time series analysis of satellite imageries acquired in 1989, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2009, and 2010. The mean annual increment and the current annual increment were computed from the data collected at the ground measurement plots. The study result shows that the biomass content of mangrove forest is quite high. At the age of 24 years, the CAI is still increasing, where no intersection was found between CAI and MAI lines. The intersection seems to occur several years later.en
dc.titlePendugaan Riap dan Biomassa Mangrove di PT Kandelia Alam dan PT Bina Ovivipari Semesta Kalimantan Barat.en
dc.subject.keywordmean annual incrementen
dc.subject.keywordcurrent annual incremenen
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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