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dc.contributor.advisorSimbolon, Domu
dc.contributor.authorSofiati, Titien
dc.description.abstractTuna revitalization program undertaken by National Fishing Port (PPN) Ternate indicate a change in the management of fish resources and the expansion of seed not only focus on skipjack but also on tuna resources. However it is not easy to be realized, because the actors who are involved in it and the public will not be easy to accept. To change something that has become a habit is hard, let alone each actor has its own perception of the policy will be made. Perceptions of stakeholders have an important role and is affecting their engagement towards fisheries management system that will be applied. Resource use tuna and skipjack together between the hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line has its own impact on the sustainability of fishing effort per fishing unit. Interactions between third fishing effort is very close, because there are similarities fish resources are being targeted arrests. The purpose of this study is: (1) assess the stakeholders perceptions of the fishery tuna resources and tuna fishing effort technology in PPN Ternate, (2) determine the interaction between fishing effort tuna and skipjack in PPN Ternate. This study is expected to be a reference in the development of tuna and skipjack fisheries in PPN Ternate and become resources for local government development policy in the determination of the tuna fisheries. As input to the perpetrators of fishing effort in order to improve the efficiency of tuna fishing operations, as well as add to their repertoire of knowledge for researchers. The study was conducted during the two months of January and February 2013 with interviews and surveys. Analysis was done descriptively perception of the factors influencing the tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate, deskriminan multiple testing using the equation to obtain a perceptual map. Interactions between tuna and skipjack fishing effort seen by calculating the productivity of the hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line. Pattern of interaction between hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line fishing effort be viewed the descriptive statistics and correlation testing. Descriptive analyzes were undertaken on time series productivity of hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line. Correlation test is done to strengthen the previous descriptive analysis of the presence or absence interaction that occurs. Stakeholder perceptions of the tuna resources in PPN Ternate be based on the factors of production volume, the catch size, selling, and market demand. Deskriminan analysis results showed that the perception of stakeholders tend to be the same, that the factors or attributes related to tuna resources in PPN Ternate is an important factor affecting the tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate . These factors are well-developed and should be improved Stakeholder perceptions toward technology tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate based on development factors tuna fishing fleet, increase capture technology, and fishing grounds. Deskriminan analysis results showed that the perception of stakeholders on the development of technology tuna fishing effort in PPN Ternate is the same, the factors related to the tuna fishing business technology are factors that influence the development tuna fishing effort technology in PPN Ternate. These three factors are already well developed and should be increased. The results of calculations produktivity hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line made by the two approaches are based on the volume of production per trip per unit and based on revenue per trip per unit. Productivity based on both approaches show that pumpboat is the most productive fishing gear, followed by pole and line and hand line. Interactions between fishing effort tuna and skipjack in PPN Ternate hand line, pumpboat, and pole and line has its own pattern. Pattern of interaction seen by statistical correlation test. Correlation test result showed that productivity between hand line with pumpboat and pumpboat with pole and line has a strong prositive correlation. Productivity between the hand line and pole and line has a strong negative correlation.en
dc.description.abstractProgram revitalisasi tuna yang dilakukan oleh Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Terate mengindikasikan adanya perubahan dan ekspansi pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan unggulan tidak hanya fokus pada cakalang tetapi juga pada sumberdaya ikan tuna. Namun hal ini tidak mudah untuk direalisasikan karena para pelaku yangberkecimpung didalamnya maupun masyaarakat tidak akan mudah menerima. Merubah sesuatu yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan sangatlah sulit, apalagi para pelaku memiliki persepsi tersendiri terhadap kebijakan yag akan dibuat. Persepsi paar stakeholder memiliki peran penting dan cukup mempengaruhi keterlibatan mereka terhadapsistem pengelolaan perikanan yang akan diterapkan.
dc.titleFishing Interaction of Tuna and Skipjack Fisheries Landed on National Fishing Port Ternate North Mollucasen
dc.titleInteraksi usaha penangkapan tuna dan akalang yangberpangkalan diPPN Ternate MalukuUtara
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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BAB II Persepsi Usaha Penangkapan Tuna Di PPN Ternate.pdf
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BAB III Interaksi Usaha Penangkapan Tuna dan Cakalang DI PPN Ternate.pdf
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