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dc.contributor.advisorNurani, Tri Wiji
dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng H.
dc.contributor.authorSari, Ratih Purnama
dc.description.abstractNowdays fisheries sector is undergoing a crisis in global dimensions for the last few years and it has led to the unsustainable consumption, overfishing, as well as the increasing of pollution and climate change distribution. One of the utilization of fisheries resources is tuna especially in South coast Java Seas included Puger seas. Tunas are catched by troll lines using FADs. the using of troll lines and FADs have been found on small scale fisheries. The increasing troll line fleet was caused by the rising number of FAD on Puger water and it has caused bad influence toward the fish stock and social environment which has led to a conflict between fishermen and stakeholders. They usually fought on existing fish stock and it stepped to another conflict. The fish quality from troll line fleet was not feasible due to bad fish handling on board. Another problem that occured on troll line fishery in the Atlantic Ocean was the increasing number of catch unit around the FAD and had caused the declining of tuna fish production and size which economically not favorable and cannot be exported because it must fit the minimum weight requirement of 25 kg. The objectives of this research is to evaluate the FAD equiped troll line fishery and formulating the troll line fishery management strategy on the water of Puger in East Java. This research could be beneficial for stakeholders about the FAD influence on troll line fishery in Puger and as information for academician and researcher about tuna quality that was landed on Puger fishing port and this research could be as recommendation for the local government and related fishery department in managing the troll line equiped with FAD. This research was conducted on January until May 2013 on Puger Fishing Port in Jember East Java when the lean season of Tuna occured at that time. The choice of this location was triggered by the leak of information about troll line fishery around the FAD area in the water of Puger. Two types of data were collected in this research. The secondary data was statistic data which collected from the Puger fish landing port, Veterinar Fishery and Marine Department of Jember Region, BPPPI Department (Balai Pengelola Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan), Marine and Fisheries Department of East Java. The primary data was collected by interviewing the stakeholders, fishermen, boat owner, fish landing port department and wholesaler also. Result showed the average value of troll line production in the last five years increased by 1436,7 kg/unit. Because of the high fish exploitation on Puger Water the tuna fish size that were landed did not conform the export criteria where the ideal body length interval is 40-49 cm. The tuna organoleptic value in Puger were dominated by scale 6 which did not conform the standard quality also. This was caused by unappropriate post catch fish handling that was done onboard by the fishermen. The main focus was to manage the troll line fishery in Puger which was equipped with FAD. Things that need to be done to solve these problem is by maintaining the socialization to the local fishermen in Puger, managing the coastal area integratedly and continously. The Fish Auction Place must be optimized and cooperative movement should be enforced in order to prevent fish price monopoly by any parties so that the fishermen can do the fishing activity properly in many ways.en
dc.titleThe Development of Troll Lines Using Fish Agregation Device (FADs) on Puger Waters, East Java.en
dc.subject.keywordsocial conflicten
dc.subject.keywordcatch compositionen
dc.subject.keywordstrategy of development.en
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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