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Title: Efficiency Analysis of Purse seine Fishing unit in Coastal Fishing Port Lampulo, Banda Aceh.
Authors: Mustaruddin
Wiyono, Eko Sri
Zulbainarni, Nimmi
Aprilla, Ratna Mutia
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The fisheries production in Banda Aceh was dominantly contributed by purse seines (76%) for the last five years (2007-2011), the increase in production was due to the increasing number of purse seine fishing unit (DKP Aceh Province 2012). Catches was strongly influenced by the fishermen in using of production factors. Each purse seine in PPP Lampulo had a diversity of production factors which would affect to production result. It has caused many of the fishermen increased the used of production factors without regard to the efficiency of its use. Therefore, fishermen should be more careful and wise (efficient) in using production factors for fishing operations to keep the obtained results or maximum revenue. The objectives of this study are to analyse of productivity and effeciency of purse seine units that based in PPP Lampulo. Hopefully, this study can contribute theory of production in the fisheries sector, to provide input for fishermen as consideration of the purse seine fishery management. There were some factors that support the production catches of purse seine fishing unit such as the size of the vessel, engine power, length of nets, net height, number of crew, fuel, number of light, the amount of ice, clean water usage and supply costs were analyzed using the Cobb-Douglas approach. Productivitiy calculation had done by using the approach of purse seine catches for the year divided by amount of Gross Tonnage and catching trip. The results showed the highest productivity per trip was 1.86 tons/trip in 2012 and the highest productivity per GT was 9.97 tons/GT in 2011. Production factors which significantly affect to catch of purse seine were engine power, net height, number of crew, number of lights and supply cost. Analysis of the technical efficiency towards 54 vessel showed that the vessel engines power production factors (-0.432), the number of crew (-1.116), and number of lights (-0.148) the value of its production elasticity were inefficient (Ep <0), whereas purse seine net height (0.467) was at the rational production stage (0<Ep<1) and factor costs of production supplies (2.181) was efficient (Ep>1) which means inefficient use of production factor. Economic efficiency for the use of production factor wass inefficient because the value of NPMxi/PXI<1.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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