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Title: The Role Of Motivation And Ability Of The Civil Servants Performance In The Dg Of Upgrading And Development Program For Resettlement Area, Ministry Of Manpower And Transmigration (Resettlement).
Authors: Ma’arif, M. Syamsul
Sukmawati, Anggraini
Esthi, Raniasari Bimanti
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Civil servants (PNS) plays a role as a resource for the survival of the government officials and development in Indonesia in the context of public administration. Therefore, it is important to the development of civil servants, in addition to a mandate of the Act, also based on the perception that many say that quality of the bureaucracy / civil servants in Indonesia is very low, unprofessional, low performers, etc. (essentially: assessing the bad image civil servants). Civil servants motivation is one of very important factor to obtain an optimal performance. Without the motivation of employees to work together for the benefit of the organization, the stated goals will not be achieved. Besides motivation, other factors that affect the performance is ability. At a government organization, success or failure in the performance of duties and governance, influenced by ability of employees. DG of Upgrading and Development Program for Resettlement Area, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration requires qualified personnel support in carrying out the duties and responsibilities that exist to improve the performance of the organization as reflected in the increased performance of employees. The purposes of this study were: (1) to analyze the influence of motivation and ability in the performance of civil servants DG of Upgrading and Development Program for Resettlement Area, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, and (2) to analyze the indicators that reflect the dominant motivation, ability, and performance of civil servants in DG of Upgrading and Development Program for Resettlement Area, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration. The number of samples in this study is 143 respondences. The method used is random sampling method. Data analysis uses Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the approach Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that for the direct influence of the model (model 1), gives the ability of a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants. On testing the hypothesis 2 (H2), gives that motivation does not affect the performance of civil servants. Indirect effect on the model (model 2), gives the ability of a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants. In the second hypothesis (H2), gives the ability of a positive and significant effect on motivation. On hypothesis 3 (H3), gives that motivation has no effect on the performance of civil servants. While moderating influence on the model (model 3), gives the ability of a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants. In the second hypothesis (H2), gives that the motivation does not moderate influence on the performance capabilities of civil servants.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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