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Title: This research is on farmers perception of the role agriextensionworker in Sidomulyo dan Muari Village Oransbari Sub District south of Manokwari.
Authors: Purnaningsih, Ninuk
Asngari, Pang S
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: This research is about This research is on farmers perception of the role agri-extensionworker in Sidomulyo dan Muari Village, Oransbari Sub District, south of Manokwari. Purpose of this research is analyzed that influence farmers’s perceptions of the role extension agent’s (technician, facilitator and advisor). These factors include: (1) internal factors: the characteristics of farmers (age, formal education, non formal education, land ownership and farming experience) and (2) external factors: the social system (farmer involvement in the group and knowledge farmers of the role agri-extensionworker) includes two sample villages in Oransbari Sub District South Manokwari of West Papua by 80 respondents farmers who are still active in outreach activities. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential create frequency tables and percentages and using the Spearman rank correlation test at the level of 0.05 % to see the level of relationship between the independent variables . The results showed that (1) most of the members of farmer groups in the Sidomulyo and Muari Village are farmers has age period 35-47 years, with the level of education completed junior high school, often following training activities, internships, field trips related to agricultural extension activities, has a wide enough area 600-1000 m2, have 10-20 years of experience trying to farm, actively participates in regular meetings of relating to agricultural extension activities, (2) farmer’s perceptions of the role agri-extensionworker as a technician, facilitator and advisor categorized good, (3) there is a relationship between internal factors and external factors farmer characteristics (social systems) on farmer’s perceptions of the role agri-extensionworker as a technician, facilitator and advisor.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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