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Title: The Strategy of Development Communication by Al Munawar Bani Amin Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School.
Authors: Muljono, Pudji
Mulyandari, Retno Sri Hartati
Ahmad, Ikhsan
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School was the oldest educational institutions, native to Indonesia and identical to Banten. However, this boarding typology had marginalized. This discrimination occurs in closely with the development of islamic culture and muslim people majority in 90 % (9,608,439 of 11,005,518 people) ( BPS Provinsi Banten, 2011) as well as a strong informal leadership of religious figures. The goals if this research were to: a) Analysis the communication pattern of Bani Amin Al - Munawar Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School, b) Analysis the role of Al - Munawar Bani Amin Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School in the development people of Banten province, c) Formulate a communication strategy of Al - Munawar Bani Amin Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School in supporting the Banten province development. The study was designed as qualitative with Pentad Analysis method, i.e. a method that was examined the design of terminology and paths of relationship interest, humanistic motives and the function of terms used. And then was analyzed the individual in a particular context within the framework of selecting a communication strategy to the situation. Each concept of Pentad Analysis element contributed in its implementation that can be narrowed or broadened. The relationship of each Pentad Analysis element contributed a new and incisive analysis in the motives and actions symbolic that can be explained the causality relation. Cultures and Islamic values that growed since the golden age of Banten in the past have been laid as the foundation of development in the present as well as the ideals of development in the future, which was poured into the Banten province development vision : Building the prosperous people of Banten based on faith and god-fearing . The faith words spreaded in some letters that its amount about six hundreds in the Quran, while god-fearing in thousands. Implementation of this vision directed the Banten development could be faith and god-fearing in government service delivery, implementation and foster community development in order to ensure the development and future progress in exploiting the potential of the region in the platorm of regional autonomy. Vision becomes important for a country's development foundation, not just formal and normative foundation. Because vision is the belief of ownership by a nation in the future (what do they want to have ) and an inspiration to the development that will be and were being implemented. Therefore, the struggle in building character education in Banten can not be separated from the presence Salafiyah Boarding. The results showed that Bani Amin Al - Munawar Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School had the characteristics that needed in education in Banten, both as social capital and educational capital. The islamic boarding school also had became a cultural force that played an important role in shaping the religious mentality of the people. It recognized for hundreds years that created the graduates become self-sufficient, sincere, faithful and god-fearing, society in social and cultural praxis of all time, clean in corruption, free in imagery that rooted in systemic efforts maked the value of students in certain targets in order to pass and well impressed so difficult to distinguish where the child is able to absorb the lesson and which ones were not as good because of all the values. Head of Salafiyah have a high consistency in teaching, guiding and supervising the students for 24 hours in order to control knowledge, attitudes and behavior of mentality without paid by students. Even still many Salafiyah boarding that facilitated their students in daily life, meals, lodging, guide to medical expenses when the students sick. The excellence of education character of Salafiyah not be the values that adopted in the development of Banten. Though can be used as a formal education base in Banten. Banten provincial government seem shaky to build the character foundation in the education system that was rooted in his own culture. Character education in Banten was secular and oriented only in academic value and the ability to absorb the labor force, but culturally dry . Interaction and communication education in Banten with cultural roots arguably very limited and seem to remove each other substantively. Government almost had not existed in bridging the "presence" of the traditional pole in Salafiyah and modern pole in formal schools that can not co-exist, even though both can be combined and matched. The existence Salafiah was recognized, but in often times were not placed rightly as the excellence and competence role in the development process.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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