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Title: Kelangsungan Hidup, Pertumbuhan, dan Reproduksi Nudibranch Phyllidiidae dengan Pemberian Spons pada Pemeliharaan Sistem Resirkulasi
Authors: Effendi, Irzal
Soelistyowati, Dinar Tri
Ibrahim, Ali
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Nudibranch or sea slug is one of gastropod which have high economic value, such us ornamental things, produce bioactive, and model in biological research. Nudibranch stock in the waters decreased by catching, so domestication of this species is important. This study aims to determine the effect of spons as association on survival, growth, and reproduction of nudibranch then create ecosistem for culture nudibranch. The spons was take from nature with average weight of 60 g/tank. The survival of nudibranch was 94% to 100%, growth rate -0,76% to -0,68%, daily lenght growth 0,02 to 0,14 mm, degrees match 28% - 50%, spawning rate 28%, egg production average 86.549 grain/chief with weight of chief 7,4 gr, egg hatch after 7 days fly blow maintenance manage to stage veliger (fly blow can be swim). Spons not giving effect to survival, growth, and reproduction of nudibranch. The recirculation sistem and artificial ecosistem was able to manage water quality for needs of nudibranch.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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