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Title: Amplifikasi gen pup1 dan uji morfologi perakaran tanaman padi pada kondisi defisiensi fosfor
Authors: Suryani
Prasetiyono, Joko
Amaliah, Tuhfah
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: About 25% of Indonesia's land conditions has phosphorus deficiency. Its makes rice plants in Indonesia deficient of phosphorus. Genes mapping are adrift with P deficiency on chromosome 12 at the gene Pup1 rice. This research has been conducted on gene amplification of BC2F6 Pup1 on rice lines from backcross between Batur and Situ Bagendit with Kasalath and NIL-C443. The root morphology has been done observe the effectiveness of the cross. Root morphology test results by using a solution of Yoshida with 4 different treatment (0.5 P, 10 P, 0.5 P+45 ppm Al. dan 10 P+ 45 ppm Al). The results are tested by ANOVA test and Dunnet test. Based on the results of molecular analysis using primers K29-1 shows the overall results of crossbreeding plants have similarities with elders Kasalath and NIL-C443 as Pup1 donor. The ANOVA test and Dunnet’s results indicate the presence of root morphological differences between plants from crosses with P deficiency intolerant inheritence, Batur and Situ Bagendit.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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