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Title: Asuransi Optimal dan Kebijakan Reasuransi dalam Proses Risiko
Authors: Purnaba, I Gusti Putu
Budiarti, Retno
Putra, Eka Ahmad Permana
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Insurer has a risk to bankrupt because the distribution of its claim size has a thick tail. This means that the probability of a big claim is relatively high. For this situation, insurer divides a part or all risk of to other insurer (reinsurance) to minimize the expected maximal losses. Insurer can optimize insurance policies, reinsurance, or both. When insurer optimizes insurance policies for minimizing the expected maximal losses, insurer limits its claim size to be paid by insured. When insurer optimizes reinsurance, insurer do not limit the claim size submitted by insured but insurer just paid a part from the claim submitted by insured and the rest being paid reinsurance. When insurer uses the combination polices, insurer limits the claim size submitted by insured and insurer paid a part from the claim it and the rest being paid by reinsurance. The result of optimizes insurance policies, reinsurance, or both is a stop loss policy to minimize the expected maximal losses.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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