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Title: Dampak Ekonomi dan Analisis Stakeholder Wisata Pantai Gondoriah Sumatera Barat
Authors: Ekayani, Meti
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: Marine tourism is one of natural attractions that also have potential to be developed. Gondoriah beach is one of the existing maritime attractions in West Sumatra. Tourism activities can have a positive impact on the economy for the surrounding community, but on the other hand also have potential for degradation of natural resources. In general, multistakeholder assessed that current tourism activities in Gondoriah Beach was good, and the existence of tourist attractions in Gondoriah Beach currently was not cause damage to natural resources. Tourism economic impact Gondoriah Beach estimated by the approach of multiplier effect, where the economic impact of direct, indirect and induced were IDR 502.308.304, IDR 695.120.645 and IDR 90.257.025. The Keynesian Income Multiplier value was 1,12, Income Multiplier Ratio value Type I was 2,38 and Type II Income Multiplier Ratio was 2,56. However, the economic impact can not be fully enjoyed by people around the beach because there are visitors who spent money outside attraction called the leak. The leakage has a value of IDR 15.867.657.020 per year. Stakeholders who have a level of influence and the highest interest in the management of Gondoriah Beach attractions were the Department of Culture and Tourism, LPM, Department of Public Works, Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Department of Enviromental, and local communities.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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