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Title: Sistem informasi dan pengambilan keputusan untuk manajemen gapoktan penerima dana bantuan langsung masyarakat pengembangan usaha agribisnis perdesaan
Information system and decision making for management of farmers’ group union the beneficiaries of the direct community assistence-rural agribusiness development
Authors: Marimin
Syamsun, Muhammad
Darmawan, Memet
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Regarding to the evaluation of The Direct Community Assistence-Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) conducted by General Inspectorate of Ministry of Agriculture, only 19 or 9,31% of 204 farmers’ group union (the union) which submitting report regularly. This condition due to the lack of human resource capability in composing report including the lack of the union’s agribusiness management (Itjen Kementan, 2012) and also the lack of requirement for the union to receive the grant. This weakness is very influential on the performance and the success rate of the union’s agribusiness and the success rate of the program itself. Given these problems, it is necessary to create an information system and decision-making that can be used by the union or its extension companion in its business operations. The objective of this study is to develop an information system and decision-making that can be easily and practically used by the companion extension and/or the union’s administrators to do the recording and reporting of the union’s agribusiness growth. The result of this study can be used as a tool to manage the administration of the union’s agribusiness growth, monitoring and evaluation, and auditing conducted by internal or external auditor. Primary data consists of the union’s common data and the AHP questionnaire collected on March 16, 2013 through April 29, 2013. The union’s data collected from the unions which receive the grant (PUAP) in the year of 2009 in Sleman District, Province of DI. Yogyakarta, whereas experts for the AHP questionnaire consisted of the Director of Finance Directorate of Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure, Head of Yogyakarta Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, and Head of Sub Directorate Agribusiness Finance of Finance Directorate of Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure Ministry of Agriculture. Meanwhile the system specification detail developed in Bogor and Jakarta from November 2012 through June 2013. The study stages starting from requirement analysis, problem formulation, system identification, and so on until the users evaluation. The aspects of concern in this study consists of database management system (DBMS), model base management system (MBMS), and the dialogue system. The DBMB regarding the adequacy of PUAP data stored in the system, the MBMS regarding the suitability of the model to the union’s needs (eligibility criteria, as well as the format and type of report), while the dialogue system regarding ease of use of the system by the union. Information Systems and Decision Making for Gapoktan Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) named as SIPK-GP 1.13 is the information system for performance management of the union and decision support in selecting the business focus of farmers’ group members. The user interface as the major part of SIPK-GP 1.13 which serves as medium of communication between the users with the model. The SIPK-GP 1.13 is a package of windows based information systems and decision-making with Indonesian as the default language. This makes the operation of SIPK-GP 1.13 becomes easy. Media interaction with the system is done by using a keyboard and mouse. The system can be operated on a computer with at least has a Pentium 4 processor, 1 GB of RAM, and has a software php, mysql and apache. These three softwares can be downloaded for free and has been found in packages such as xampp. DBMS consists of the union’s common data, business development data, regional resources data, and market potential data. MBMS cocsists of the union selecting model, the union business area model, the union performance model, and the union development model. The union development model located in “Fokus Usaha” menu, has two sub-menus namely Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) sub-menu and Composite Performance Index (CPI) sub-menu. The AHP sub-menu is limited for three participants (experts), so this is still static. It is still to be develop to make an open model, in which the number of participants may still be selected according to need. The result from “Seleksi Gapoktan” menu gapoktan selection for Gapoktan Sumber Makmur obtained yield was 84 or inferred pass the selection . The results of calculations on the “Kinerja Gapoktan” menu for Gapoktan Sumber Makmur obtained yield was 84 or are in good condition . In the “Wilayah Usaha” menu result that all three main types of farming done by the union, all are viable. Through AHP and CPI sub- menu is concluded that the alternative business which became the primary choice for businesses focus of the union is horticulture farming . The results obtained from these models in the system in accordance with the calculations manually, so SIPK-GP 1.13 can be used to support the management of the union. Use of this system is expected to reduce the constraints on the performance of the union’s data unavailability and increase the reliability of the selection system of the union to receive the grant. The use of the system in the implemantation of PUAP program has a management implication both at central level and the farmers’ union. Implication at the central level such as need to do the application test to some unions and revised the general guidance of the program.
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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