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Title: Analisis Cabang Usahatani dan Saluran Pemasaran Pisang Lampung (Kasus di Desa Rabak, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor)
Authors: Winandi, Ratna
Permatasari, Intan
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Bananas are a commodity with the highest production in West Java and Bogor Regency of Indonesia. Rabak Village in the Rumpin District of the Bogor Regency has the potential to produce bananas of especially the lampung variety. But the village not doing cultivation well that can minimize the risk to get the maximum results, and thus the farmers marketing their bananas are faced with low bargaining power. This research analyzes current banana farming and lampung banana marketing using the R/C ratio so it can determine income and profit earned by lampung banana farmers, while the marketing channel is analyzed with the Li/Ci ratio so it can determine the benefit of marketing undertaken by the marketing institution involved in lampung banana marketing. The result of the ratio R/C in this research shows a value of 1.36, meaning that each rupiah spent will receive income of 1.36, while the Li/Ci ratio in this research have not been equal to each marketing institution involved, so the avowed the marketing channel is yet efficient
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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