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Title: Pengaruh Kerusakan Buah Kelapa Sawit terhadap Kandungan Free Fatty Acid dan Rendemen CPO di Kebun Talisayan 1 Berau
Authors: Sudradjat
Lukito, Pryo Adi
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The objective of this internship specifically was to study the factors that affect the quality of CPO. The internship was conducted in Talisayan 1 Estate PT Tanjung Buyu Perkasa Plantation, Berau, East Kalimantan from February to June 2013. Problem analysis using Ishikawa diagram and linear regression by making poor quality fruit, fruit “restan” (leftover), injury fruit, and the loss of crops as factors that cause of problems, both the activity of harvesting until transporting the yields. The analysis show that CPO degradation probelms one of which can be seen from the low rendement of palm oil (CPO) and high Free Fatty Acid (FFA) CPO. Low oilrendementcausedbypoorfruit qualityandyieldloss. High FFA CPO causedbypoorqualityfruit, leftoverfruit, andfruitinjury.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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