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Title: Potensi Fungi Tanah Nematofagus dalam Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Tanah pada Praktik Budidaya Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Authors: Surono
Soekarno, Bonny Poernomo Wahyu
Issue Date: 18-Nov-2008
Publisher: Seminar Nasional dan Dialog Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian
Abstract: Nematode is an soil microfauna that has important roles in the agricultural ecosystem. It's fungtion as plant pathogen also antagonist for other microbes. To control pathogenic nematodes, farmers and agroindustries use syntetic pestisides that harm to environment and cause of global warming. One of ways to control nematodes that environment-friendly and not make environmental damage by using nematophagous fungi. Nematophagous fungi comprise more than 200 species of taxomonically diverse fungi that all share the ability' to attack living nematodes and use them as nutrients. Application of nematophagous fungi in field can use bioactive compost.
ISBN: 978-602-8039-13-0
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agriculture

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