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Title: Kemunduran Benih Kedelai Hitam Akibat Pengusangan Cepat dengan APC IPB 77-1 MM dan Penyimpanan Alami
Authors: Suhartanto, M Rahmad
Qadir, Abdul
Pawestri, Gigih Kridaning
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Seed deterioration is degradation processes gradually, cumulative, and irreversible due to chages caused by fisiologis factor. This research were conducted to determine the suitability of viability, vigor, and upsurge of free fatty acid between natural storage and accelerated aging of black soybean varieties Detam 1 dan Detam 2. The experiment were conducted in the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University from April 2013 to Juni 2013. The research consisted of two experiment the natural storage and accelerated aging. The natural storage is done at temperature 27°C–29°C and RH 70%–75% while the accelerated aging soybeas seeds aged physically in APC IPB 77-1 MM at temperature 45°C–50°C and RH 87%–90%. Results of this study obtained compliance decreased viability, vigor, and increase free fatty acid between natural storage and accelerated aging in the two varieties of soybean. The observation of free fatty acid varieties Detam 1 has the same value at 0 to 8 weeks of storage with accelerated aging time 0 to 45 minutes. Free fatty acid values of varieties Detam 2 at 0 to 8 weeks of storage has the same value with accelerated aging time 0 to 30 minutes with the assumption that the value of free fatty acids in storage for 10 weeks had an increased.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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