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Title: Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Mangsa-Pemangsa Holling-Tanner Tipe II
Authors: Kusnanto, Ali
Sianturi, Paian
Gaib, Muhammad Buchari
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: In this paper a mathematical prey-predator model of Holling-Tanner type II and the existence of Hopf bifurcation were studied. In this model, three fixed points are obtained, in which one of them is a saddle point. The prey-predator population dynamics was simulated based on four cases, by increasing the interaction value of prey and predator. In the third case, the stable spiral changed into an unstable spiral and also observed the presence of limit cycles. This is known as Hopf bifurcation. Furthermore, for the fourth case both populations were almost extincted due to the increase of the interaction rate. Generally, it can be concluded that increasing the value of prey and predator interaction rate would change the stability of population. The prey-predator population will be stable when the prey and predator interaction rate is low, whereas the higher interaction rate would cause the extinction of both prey and predator populations
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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