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Title: Analisis Daya Saing serta Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Permintaan Jahe dan Temulawak Indonesia di Lima Negara Tujuan Ekspor
Authors: Mulatsih, Sri
Yuniawati, Ines Pipit
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Ginger and curcuma export demand increases with the proliferation of herbal medicine and cosmetics industries as well as changes in lifestyle of the world community to prioritize natural products rather than chemical. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of exports, the competitiveness, the factors that affect the demand for exports, and a strategy to improve the competitiveness of Indonesian ginger and curcuma in five destination countries. This study uses descriptive analysis, RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage), EPD (Export Product Dynamic), X-model potential export products, panel data, and Porter's Diamond. The results showed: (1) The development of the export value of Indonesian ginger and curcuma tends to fluctuate. (2) Ginger has a comparative advantage only in the Netherlands, in the same way curcuma in the United States, the Netherlands and Singapore, but in almost all sample countries, ginger and curcuma have a market position "Rising star" except in Japan, namely Lost Opportunity. (3) The variables that affect the demand for exports of ginger and curcuma are GDP riil destination countries per capita, the population of the country of destination, and economic distance. (4) strategies that can be done is to increase the competitiveness of commodities ginger and curcuma Indonesia by doing cluster approach in the development of the industry and do the increases in factor conditions and corporate strategy, structure and rivalry.
Appears in Collections:UT - Economics and Development Studies

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