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Title: : Kelayakan Usaha Penggemukan Kambing Jawa Randu pada Kelompok Tani Simpay Tampomas Desa Cibeureum Wetan Kabupaten Sumedang
Authors: Atmakusuma, Juniar
Nugraha, Galih Setia
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: In run businesses, fattening goat Jawa Randu, farmer groups simpay tampomas not based on knowledge, the group just rely on the experience and intuition course. The study is to analyze the feasibility of business fattening goatie java randu in the farmers simpay tampomas. The analysis used is a method of analysis non financial sensitivity of financial analysis and analysis. The aspect of non financial analyze about aspects of the market and marketing- the technical aspects, the aspect of management, legal aspects and social aspect. Financial analysis counting analysis based on npv, eligibility criteria irr, net b / c and payback period. Analysis of sensitivity of counting the influence of occurring price change against the feasibility of undertaking of fattening this goat. Based on the result of reckoning analysis of eligibility criteria business through investment produce npv 118 439 681, as much as rp net / c to b 1.67 irr by 26% and 4 years payback a period of three months. Thus the business of fattening done by farmer groups simpay tampomas worthy to be executed financially. Analysis of switching value to a decrease in the selling price of goats are worth 5.67 % and price was going to a goat as much as 10.72%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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