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Title: Analisis Dayasaing Produk Kayu Olahan Sekunder (SPWP) Indonesia di Pasar Internasional
Authors: Simangunsong, Bintang CH
Dewi, Ika Kartika
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The objective of this research is to analyze competitiveness of Indonesia secondary products (SPWP), particularly wooden furniture, builder’s woodwork, other SPWP, moulding, cane and bamboo furniture in international market for the period 2005-2011. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Spesialisasi Perdagangan Index (ISP) were then calculated to determine comparative and competitive advantage, and Constant Market Share (CMS) technique was also used to identify factors that affect competitiveness those products. Result show all products have comparative advantage as indicated by the value of RCA>1. Mean while, ISP index indicated that all products have competitive advantage. Based on CMS analysis, competitiveness is the mostthat affect export growth, followed by growth and commodity composition factors. The strategies that can be used to increase Indonesia competitiveness are produtcs process inovation, market exponding, industry cluster development
Appears in Collections:UT - Forestry Products

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