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Title: Evaluasi tepung biji kapuk Ceiba Petandra Gaertn yang difermentasi cairan rumen domba sebagai pengganti bungkil kedelai dalam pakan ikan bawal Collosoma Macropomum
Authors: Suprayudi, Muhammad Agus
Setiawati, Mia
Bani, Chandra Syayid
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate performance of kapok seed meal (KSM) which has been fermented with sheep rumen liquor as a feed of red belly fish. Treatments consisted of 0% KSM, 10% KSM, 20% KSM, 30% KSM, and 40% KSM. Protein content and amount of energy in each treatment targeted by 33±0,34% and 3800±240 kcal/kg feed. A total of 20 red belly fish (7,84 ± 0,18 gram) was reared for 40 days in 200 L tank, which has been equiped with aeration and recirculation sytem and heater (28 - 30°C). Fish feeding was conducted three times at 08.00, 12:00, and 16:00 (at satiation). The experimental design was a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and triplicate. The results showed that, the amount of feed intake, feed efficiency, protein retention, daily growth rate and survival in KSM 30% not significantly different from controls (P> 0,05). However, the daily growth rate and fat retention in KSM 40% was declining if compared with controls (P<0,05). Conclusion is kapok seed meal as much as 30% can be used as a replacement of soy bean meal in red belly feed,
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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