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Title: Hubungan Tipe dan Manajemen Perkandangan dengan Infeksi Kecacingan pada Orangutan (Pongo sp.) di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan Jakarta
Authors: Tiuria, Risa
Azhar, Haerul
Sihombing, Cyntia Magdalena
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Orangutan (Pongo sp.) is well known as native nonhuman primate from Indonesia, which has endangered status. Conservation effort through zoo was expected has a good maintenance management. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between type and cages management to helminths infection of orangutan at Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta. Total count faeces sample collected were 78 from 17 orangutans at 7 cage locations. Faeces collection were examined using qualitative and quantitative method. Prevalention of helminths infection were Ascarid 100%, Strongyloides 88.2%, Strongyloid 76.47% and Trichurid 5.88%. The result from method used were found that the highest infection Strongyloides 46.15% with average number 1320 epg. Dominance of Strongyloides infection was found on Pongo pygmaeus adult females (15-35 y.o) in location of A, B, and G which has the level of show orangutans no routine. Parameters such as exhibition cage with range small area (0-100 m2), cage with bright lighting and separate base cage design also has significant correlation (p<0.05) with helminths infection.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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