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Title: Identifikasi Karakteristik Lulusan Kelompok Program Studi Magister IPB Berdasarkan Keberhasilan Studi Mahasiswa
Authors: Djuraidah, Anik
Sartono, Bagus
Primanda, Yoga
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB-SPs) has been established since 1975 started by seven Masters program. In the mean time, the IPB Graduate School had grown to 67 study programs. The success of student in each program could be assesed by their grade point average (GPA) and the study duration. Based on those characteristics, the author figure out that the 61 study programs could be grouped into four clusters. Cluster 1 includes study program which has the best academic characteristic among the clusters. It has highest level of GPA and shortest duration of study. This achievement might be induced by the background characteristic of the students. The member of this cluster associated to young students from high reputation university. Meanwhile, Cluster 2 is cluster which has the mean value of GPA around its mean value and also has a longer duration of study. The member of this cluster are the students whose characterictics are poor. It happened because the background characteristic of bachelor students are not correlated with the Masters program and their GPA are below standard.
Appears in Collections:UT - Statistics and Data Sciences

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