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Title: Analysis Of District Leakage In The Mining Sector Development At Musi Rawas, South Sumatera Province. (Social Accounting Matric Approach).
Analisis Kebocoran Wilayah dalam Pembangunan Sektor Pertambangan di Kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatera Selatan.
Authors: Hadi, Setia
Rustiadi, Ernan
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Regional leakage is an important issue that causes the effect of economic growth on the distribution of incomes in a region to be small. The greater the leakage that occurs, the greater the potential income multiplier of an area to be lost. To create quality of economic growth (better distribution of income), it is necessary to reduce the efforts of regional leakage. The magnitude of the mining sector's contribution to economic growth (GDP), otherwise paradoxical impact on economic performance and social performance. The cause was a leak in the regional mining activities in the district of Musi Rawas. Regional leakage in the mining sector due to the type of activity expenditure / receipts which do not increase additional revenue for the district of Musi Rawas. Regional leakage flow is the condition of the value added to other areas because of the potential added value that can not be used optimally, thus causing small multiplier. Issues caused by the leakage area mining sector is an important thing that concerns this study. This thesis aims to analyze the regional leakage in the distribution of mining revenue in Musi Rawas. Specifically this study aims to analyze the role of the mining sector in the economic performance of the region and analyze sector linkages, multipliers, dostribusi income, and the potential indications and kebocoranregional on pertmbangan sector activity. To answer the problems and research objectives using a secondary data analysis of the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Musi Rawas regency in 2010. The outcome this study results show the contribution of the mining sector, total exports and GDP is quite significant. In general, the amount contributed to the acceptance of NTB / GDP tends to be greatest acceptance factor than labor capital. Sisitenaga be working most of the revenue receipt employers than workers. This condition has been proved indication of leakage area. Between the amount of fee (BA) relatively little has been linked with other domestic sectors, due largely a commodity imports. The amount of imported inputs expenditure ratio is indicative of the occurrence of leakage areas (regional leakage). Policy simulation shows the potential increase in output increases total domestic revenues, and NTB/GDP. But that tends to increase in capital compared to labor with considerable ratio is an indication of the region and the potential for leaks. The highest increase in income received by non-agricultural employment and the lowest received by the agricultural workforce. The growth labor factor income is received by the highest effort and the lowest production are agricultural laborers. Ratio of income between workers with relatively high capital. In terms of institutional income (households, firms, and government), an increase in household income in the institutions most likely to be enjoyed by nonagricultural households compared to farm households. Ratio of income between households with relatively very large employers an indication of leakage area. While the mining sector linkages with other sectors is not so significant. The increase in revenue to other production sectors tend to have a big impact to the food and beverage sector of the oil and gas sector, and to the trade sector of the excavation sector. This condition is an indication of the potential for leaks and regional.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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