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Title: Correlation of body images perception and food perception, food consumption and nutritional status in high school’s middle adolescence at Bogor.
Analisis Hubungan Persepsi Diri dan Makanan, Konsumsi Pangan dan Status Gizi Remaja Usia Sekolah Menengah di Kabupaten Bogor
Authors: Riyadi, Hadi
Heryatno, Yayat
Sari, Dianti Desita
Keywords: adolescents
body image perception
nutritional status
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Adolescent still in process for rich their mental, emotional, social and physical maturity, thinking ability and transition to a new function in social life. One of mentally violence was thinking bad to become fat, that’s way malnutrition happening in adolescent. Negative perception in adolescent was the base of this research. The aim of this research was to analyzed correlation of body images perception, food perception, and food consumption with nutritional status in adolescent. This research used cross-sectional design, done in high schools, which were SMA Negeri 3 Bogor (city) and SMA Negeri 1 Leuwiliang (rural). Primer data collected was from March until June 2012, with 80 student’s second graduate. Data collected by filled the questioner with interview technic, collected family characteristic’s data and individual characteristic’s data. Body image perception’s data got from interviewed and images chose. Food perception’s data got from interviewed. Consumption’s data got from filled food recall 2×24 hours. Nutritional status’s data got from measured in high and weigh. Data was analyzed with Microsoft Excell and Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 18.0 for Windows. Correlation was analyzed by Pearson correlation and significant at the 0.05 level. SMA Negeri 3 Bogor’s location in the middle of city that has much public facilities and some shopping area in Bogor, had complete facility at school, allowed bringing their laptop and also smart phone. SMA Negeri 1 Leuwiliang far from public facilities and shopping area, located at rural, school has good facility but not same as SMA Negeri 3 Bogor’s facilities and not allowed to bring their gadget. Family size correlated with where they live in and 15% family size from adolescent samples that live at rural is a big family. Father’s income correlated with where they live in, father’s income from adolescent samples that live around the city is more than five million per month (37.5%), occupied as an official employee and had high education. Father’s income from adolescent samples that live around the rural is one to three million per month (47.5%), occupied as a trader and had education until high school’s graduate. Mother’s from adolescent samples 56.3% is a housewife. Mother’s who work, occupied as an official employee (30%) and occupied as a trader (11.3%) for the next. Mother’s education correlated with where they live in and mother’s education from adolescent samples that live around the city 70% was graduates from university and than mother’s education from adolescent samples that live around the rural 35% was graduates from high school. Adolescent samples who live around the city had better food habit than adolescent samples who live at rural (r=0.425, P=0.000). Adolescent samples who live around the city have better nutritional education than adolescent samples who live at rural (r=0.252, P=0.001). x Adolescent samples had a positive perception about their body image (75%). No specific answers from adolescent samples about their food perception and body shape’s ideal concept, so we can say that their food perception is positive. Adolescent samples nutrition adequacy was low, but for energy and protein adequacy was rich to 70% from energy and protein requirement. Average adolescent samples energy intake is 2155 kkal, protein intake is 53.46 g, fat intake 44.13 g, carbohydrate intake 189.24 g and fiber intake 11.03 g per capita per day. Carbohydrate adequacy was higher than the requirement, but for fiber adequacy was low. With low intake, in growth spurt periods and still in high physical activity, adolescent samples supposed to have moderate under nutrition. Most of adolescent samples have normal nutritional status, overweight (10%), underweight (5%) and obese (1.3%). Obesity in adolescent is normal, could be happen because increase in body fat, bone and muscle grow. Boy’s adolescent samples had underweight status. Positive correlated was found between body image perception and protein consumption (r=0.164, P=0.039). Body image perception is not a good factor to influence food perception. Adolescent samples still eating as usual not do anything to get their expect body shape. Positive correlated was found between body image perception and nutritional status (r=0.194, P=0.014). Nutritional status for underweight or normal boys adolescent samples chooses picture number 2 until 4 for their actual size, but hope to have bigger body size (picture number 5). Nutritional status for overweight or obese boys adolescent samples chooses picture number 6 until 8 for their actual size, but hope to have slimmer body size (picture number 5). Nutritional status for underweight or normal girls adolescent samples chooses picture number 2 until 4 for their actual size, but hope to have slimmer body size (picture number 3). Nutritional status for overweight girls adolescent samples chooses picture number 5 until 7 for their actual size, but hope to have slimmer body size (picture number 4). Most of boys (65%) and girls (63%) adolescent samples have positive food perception. Many negative food perceptions belong to boys and girls who had normal nutritional status. That means adolescent samples that have normal nutritional status, they avoid some food, so could be happened inadequate nutrition. Nutritional status was higher in adolescent samples that live in city and the girls. Perceptions in adolescent samples were not correlated with food consumption. Body image perception in adolescent samples was correlated with nutritional status, but food perception was not. Food consumption in adolescent samples was not correlated with nutritional status.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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