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Title: Eggs Hatching, Growth and Age Estimation Juvenils Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) in Captivity.
Penetasan Telur, Pertumbuhan dan Pendugaan Umur Anakan Tokek (Gekko gecko Linnaeus, 1758) di Penangkaran
Authors: Kartono, Agus Priyono
Masy’ud, Burhanuddin
Nugrahani, Andina
Keywords: age
morphometry parameters
tokay gecko
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko, Linnaeus 1758) is one of the wildlife species that has long been used as an export commodity, the demand is likely to increase from year to year. This utilization pattern during rely more on direct capture from the wild. Although the kind that are not protected, but as an effort to control the possible threat of extinction, the Indonesian government legally through the Ministry of Forestry set quota utilization. For example, in 2008 the total quota of 45,000 legally trade chief alive (Dephut 2008), but the estimated number of illegal trade is much larger (PT Mega Citrindo press con. 2012). However, studies on age estimation juvenil G.gecko are still rare. Age and body size is also one of the important basic information known at the G.gecko breeding attempt in captivity as a ba-gian of the effort to combat the possible threat of extinction due to excessive use directly from nature. Basis for breeding in captivity G.gecko among others, must be based on knowledge of age and body size when it reaches sexual maturity (sexual-maturity) or age of first marriage (minimum breeding age). In addition, basic information on age and body size is also indispensable as a reference within either set magnification program to meet the demand for body size and export standards for the benefit of the breeding program settings (reproduction) in captivity G.gecko appropriately and effectively. The first results of the measurements made to answer the question bagimanakan description G.gecko eggs hatching process. The second is to Know G.gecko growth of ages 0 to 8 weeks. Third at me morphometric variables determine the most dominant and significant as age estimators juvenil G.gecko. Data were analyzed descriptively quantitative. The initial steps to determine the growth of the seedlings with eggs hatch G.gecko, because one of the conditions assumed age is to know the age of the animals. Hatching is done with the help of a conventional 11 watt lamp with a temperature of 29 ° C. Seedling (juvenile) G.gecko hatch 15-26 days later. Morphometric parameter measurements performed using manual calipers and digital balance. Temperature measurement is done with the help of dry-wet thermometer. Morphometric parameters of size juvenil are much smaller than adults. To estimate the most dominant parametri morphometry in chicks aged suspect at the age of 8 weeks, then be measured against the morphometric parameters Mouth 8 Length (ML), Snout vent length (SVL), humerus length (HL), Radius Length (RL), axilla groin (AG), femur length (FL), Tibia Length (TL) and Body Weigth (BW). Mean initial measurement of the 8 consecutive morphometric parameters ML, SVL, RL, HL, AG, FL, TL and BW namely 4.63 cm, 1.62 cm, 0.58 cm, 0.59 cm, 2.61 cm, 0.80 cm, 0.84 cm, 3.05 g. Results of initial measurements show, that the SVL reaching the highest size and RL occupy the lowest size. Body dimensions increase is more significant in juvenil than adults. Measurement results selamaa 8 weeks is known that, all parameters have added size every week. The average increase in the measurement of the ML, SVL, RL, HL, AG, FL, TL and BW per week in a row that is 0.05 cm, 0.22 cm, 0.04 cm, 0.03 cm, 0.08 cm, 0.02 cm, 0.02 cm and 0.1 g. From the result of the increase occurring per week is known that, SVL had the highest increase of all parameters. Parameter FL and TL widened the lowest in the growth. With the increase of each parameter of 0.22 cm and 0.02 cm. The difference in initial and final measurement that occurs in ML, SVL, RL, HL, AG, FL, TL and BW for 8 weeks which is equal to 0.39 cm, 1.55 cm, 0.25 cm, 0.18 cm, 0.56 cm, 0.31 cm, 0.13 cm, 0.69 g. It is known that the SVL still the most dominant of the results added for 8 weeks which is equal to 1.55 cm. Based on the final results of measurements of SVL well known also that the highest ranks of 6.18 cm. The final results showed that the parameters of HL is the slowest increase in size. Growth occurred in 8 puppies tails for 8 weeks in puppies G.gecko dominated by SVL who experienced the highest growth and lowest HL. Age relationship with morfometry parameter analyzed using regression models obtained. The last step, to determine the most dominant parameter in the assumed age by comparing the regression coefficients from the regression model. Based on the regression model of 6 juvenils then there is a close relationship between age and morphometric parameters r-square = 93.2%. Regression equation obtained is: Age = -18. 47 + 4.98 SVL + 7.35 HL +2.36 FL Eight morphometric parameters were measured, 3 of which were able to describe the life of the SVL, HL and FL. All parameters measured morfomteri influenced by the amount of feed intake, because juvenile relies on to feed its growth.
Appears in Collections:MT - Forestry

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