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Title: Bioavailabilitas Besi dan Seng Produk Pangan Olahan Berbasis Terigu yang Ditambahkan Na2EDTA dengan Kombinasi Berbagai Minuman
Authors: Rimbawan
Nurdin, Naufal Muharam
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
guava juice
plain water
steamed bun
wheat flour
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Some wheat flour based food products are commonly consumed with drinks, such as tea, plain water, milk and fruit juice. Nutrients and other food components present in food consumed together with drink may interact one another and possibly affect nutrient bioavailability. This research aimed to identify in vitro bioavailability of iron and zinc on Na2EDTA-added wheat flour based foods combined with several drinks. It was expected that addition of Sodium EDTA to wheat flour would increase bioavailability of iron and zinc. Food products used were donuts, bakpao (steamed bun) and white bread. Kind of drinks used as the combination of foods were plain water, tea, guava juice and milk. The results showed that iron bioavailability were varied between 2,46–21,82%, whereas bioavailability of zinc were between 3,73–19,39%. Statistical analyses using one way ANOVA test showed that types of combinations significantly affect the iron and zinc bioavailabiliy. In this study, Na2EDTA could not maintain bioavailablity of iron and zinc from inhibitor contained in tea. Ascorbic acid contained in guava juice increased iron bioavailability. Amino acid contained in milk is potential enhancer of iron and zinc bioavailability. In conclusion, the best drink combination to maximize iron and zinc bioavailability on Na2EDTA-Added Wheat Flour Based Foods Combined with Several Drinksis milk.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science

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