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Title: Dehidrasi osmotik pada irisan buah pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dengan pelapisan sodium alginat pada suhu ruang
Osmotic dehydration of slice of papaya (Carica papaya L.) with sodium alginate – coating in a room temperature
Authors: Nelwan , Leopold Oscar
Dwinata, Angela Dian
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
sodium alginate coating
osmotic dehydration
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This study was aimed to determine the change in water loss, solid gain, and shrinkage of sodium alginate coated papaya slices during osmotic dehydration at room temperature. Sugar solution with concentration of 45 °Brix, 55 °Brix and 65 °Brix were used as osmotic solution. Papaya slices used the thickness of 1cm and 2cm. Parameters observed were the mass of material, volume of material and moisture content. The high solution concentration and the flimsiness of material increased the value of water loss and shrinkage. Sodium alginate which was given by one-time dyeing with high solution concentration decreased the value of solid gain. Water loss and shrinkage values were highest on P0E0C2 (1 cm thick, no coating, solution concentration 65 °Brix) which the each values were of 74.82% and 71.45 ml. The lowest solid gain values contained on P0E1C2 (thick 1cm, use done-time coating, solution concentration 65 °Brix) of -0.18%.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan water loss, solid gain, dan shrinkage irisan pepaya pada dehidrasi osmotik yang dilapisi sodium alginat pada suhu ruang. Larutan gula dengan konsentrasi 45° Brix, 55° Brix dan 65° Brix digunakan sebagai larutan osmotik. Irisan pepayayang digunakan memiliki ketebalan 1 cm dan 2 cm. Parameter yang diamati adalah massa bahan, volume bahan dan kadar air bahan. Konsentrasi larutan yang tinggi dan tipisnya bahan akan menaikkan nilai water loss dan shrinkage. Sodium alginat yang diberikan sebanyak satu kali pencelupan dengan konsentrasi larutan yang tinggi akan menurunkan nilai solid gain. Nilai water loss dan shrinkage yang paling tinggi terdapat pada sampel P0E0C2 (tebal 1 cm, tanpa coating , konsentrasi larutan 65° Brix) yaitu dengan masing-masing nilai sebesar 74.82% dan 71.45 ml. Nilai solid gain terendah terdapat pada sampel P0E1C2 (tebal 1 cm, menggunakan 1 kali coating , konsentrasi larutan 65° Brix) sebesar -0.18%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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