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Title: Perbedaan Karakteristik Semen Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus vittatus) pada Ukuran Tubuh yang Berbeda
Authors: Ernawati, Yunizar
Arifiantini, R Iis
Shabila, Deasy
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Spermatozoa of fish
Quality of semen
Bonylip barb
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Osteochilus vittatus well known as bonylip barb is an important economic freshwater fish rarely to find and considered that the quality of caviar has been degraded. Meanwhile the most important thing of cultivation process is the availability of fish seeds that directly depend on the quality of spermatozoa. Main purpose of the research was aimed at investigated the semen quality of nilem fish based on its different body size through investigated the characteristic of semen by microscopic evaluation such as volume, pH, pigment and consistency. Furthermore microscopic evaluations are concentration, motility, motility length and identified its morphology and morphometric spermatozoa. The result of microscopic evaluation showed the pigment of semen of nilem fish was pale white by the value of pH was 6,4 and the consistency result was thick for both fish measuring <180 mm and >180 mm. Then the average volume of <180 mm fish was 0.17 ± 0.10 ml, fewer than >180 mm fish, which was 0.34 ± 0.18 ml. Moreover, the result of microscopic evaluation showed that >180 mm fish has better result in terms of its motility, motility length and concentration showed 83.89 ± 2.20 %, 89.11 ± 25.63 seconds and 1.8588 ± 0.4970 109 ml. Meanwhile <180 mm fish were 82.22 ± 2.64 %, 63.44 ± 18.80 seconds and 1.6420 ± 0.4245 109 ml and the result of its morphology and morphometry were not showed really difference. The application that could be given is Criyopreservation technique.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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