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Title: Selection and characterization of indigeneous freshwater micro algae as the carbohydrates producer for renewable energy
Seleksi dan karakterisasi ganggang mikro indigen air tawar sebagai penghasil karbohidrat untuk energi terbarukan
Authors: Santosa, Dwi Andreas
Sutjahjo, Surjono H.
Yani, Mohamad
Rahaju, Sri Mumpuni Ngesti
Keywords: micro algae
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The objective of this research is to explore and isolate indigenous micro algae that have a high carbohydrate producer as potentially for bioethanol production. The exploration from indigenous fresh water fifteen micro algae carried out in a BG 11 media and resulted four different types of micro algae such as ICBB-CC (9111, 9112, 9114 and 6354 PLB). By morpholgical identification, they were identified as Crucigenia quadrata, Scenedesmus bijuga, Chlorella vulgaris, and Chlorella vulgaris respectively. They were cultivated in a 5 L reactor using three types media of BG 11, MBM and PHM. The fastest growing isolate was ICBB 9111 of C. quadrata in MBM medium. The production biomassa of four isolates were developed in the raceway of 90-100L using MBM modifications medium with TSP aims , because of media has a value of optical density (OD) which increased from 0.09 to 0,200 within 3 (three) days. Harvesting is done from the OD value ≥ 0.6 continuously and harvesting stopped at OD values ≤ 0.5. Harvesting by means of filtration and drying naturally at room temperature. Temperature micro algae in ponds ranging channel 30-35 oC and maintained volume in such a way as early cultivation (by adding water to take advantage of existing nutrients). Production of dried-biomass/L/d and the results of the proximate analysis of carbohydrates into four isolates : Crucigenia quadrata ICBB 9111, Scenedesmus bijuga ICBB 9112, Chlorella vulgaris ICBB 9114 and Chlorella vulgaris PLB 6354) is 0,038 (42.27% dry weight), 0,035 (21.30% dry weight), 0.019 (16.66% dry weight) and 0,018 (17.22% dry weight). Production of dry biomass / L / day and the results of the proximate analysis of carbohydrates into four isolates ICBB-CC (9111, 9112, 9114 and 6354 PLB) is 0,038 (42.27% dry weight), 0,035 (21.30% dry weight), 0.019 (16.66% dry weight) and 0,018 (17.22% dry weight). Result of the selection of four types of micro algae ICBB-CC (9111, 9112, 9114 and 6354 PLB,) with modifications MBM TSP aims to get local micro algae isolates that have high carbohydrate content potentially for the production of ethanol.Optimal conditions for hydrolysis process 48 hours using a commercial enzyme that includes two stages: liquefaction process using enzymes α-amylase 600U at 95 ° C with a pH of 6 while for the saccharification process using enzymes amiloglukosidase 145U at a temperature of 60 ° C, pH 4.5 and 120 rpm rotation .Ethanol content of 40-hour fermented using S. Cerevisiae each sample, namely: 9111 amounted to 50.47 ppm, 105.86 ppm for 9112, 9114 amounted to 53.38 ppm and 41.17 ppm of PLB 6354.
Appears in Collections:DT - Multidiciplinary Program

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