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Title: Analisis Kepuasan Petani Tebu Mitra Terhadap kemitraan Dengan PG Pakis Baru
Authors: Muflikh, Yanti Nuraeni
Ekawati, Mega Pratiwi
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
PG Pakis Baru
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The raw material is a crucial need for survival. PG Pakis Baru is one of the companies that use sugar cane as raw material. Limitations in the fulfillment of the PG Pakis Baru cane encourage PG to establish cooperation with farmers. The cooperation form a partnership with the pattern of the plasma core. The reason farmers cooperative partnership is to assist in the capitalization of farming, cultivation, and it produces sugarcane marketing collateral. Partner satisfaction levels sugarcane farmers against partnership with the PG Pakis Baru measured using analysis Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) shows the results of 94.5 percent. Results of these calculations indicate that sugarcane farmers are very satisfied partners over partnerships with PG DI leaders Pakis Baru.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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