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Title: The Change Modes of Production and Potential Conflict in Fishermen Community (Case Study of Fishermen Community in Bugis Sape District Bima West Nusa Tenggara).
Perubahan Moda Produksi dan Potensi Konflik pada Kalangan Nelayan (Studi Kasus pada Nelayan Bugis Sape, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat)
Authors: Kinseng, Rilus A
Lubis, Djuara P
Keywords: change mode of production fishermen
change of social structure
potential of conflict
Bugis fishermen community
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Fisheries modernization has always emphasized the importance of technology transfer has gradually resulted in changes in the modes of production of almost all fishermen community. Changes in modes of production on fishermen community in the form of intermediate production tools, means of production and patterns of production relations of the traditional mode of production to a more modern mode of production on the one hand, has proven to make the work more effective and efficient fisherman and thus a wider range of sea allow fisherman to get a more satisfying catch. The other side changes in modes of production as a result of modernization fisherman fishing has also led to new problems on the fisherman, for example, only fisherman who have big capital are able to access modern means of production while the small fisherman remain in a disadvantageous position and increasingly marginalized because they can not access to modern means of production. This study was about nenelusuri how and to what extent the effect of changing modes of production to changes in the social structure of fisherman and changes in the pattern of relations of production and the potential for conflict in fishermen community. Results of this study revealed that the mode of production changes fisherman resulted in a change in the social structure of fisherman community. The use of modern fishing fleet requires huge capital and skilled labor and specialized skills in production, it makes the group fisherman who have big capital are at the top of the social structure, as well for fishermen who have the skill and expertise will occupy a special position in the social structure of fisherman community. The study also revealed that after the change in the mode of production Sape Bugis fisherman community, fisherman production relations turn into relations of production which tends to be exploitative of the small fisherman. The change modes of production also has led to various potentials conflict in fisherman community. The potential conflicts which arise in the case of fisherman community in sea area Bugis Sape can be described in two domains potential conflict is the First, potential conflicts between the fishing fleet is generally caused due to the use of fishing grounds overlap between modern fishing fleet with a fleet of traditional fishing tools and differences fishing and production methods among local fisherman with outsiders. Second, potential conflicts in the pattern of production relations. Potential conflicts can occur between the owners of capital with the owner or the owner's fishing fleet with fleet of fishing boat workers who tend to exhibit a pattern of exploitative relations of the fishermen and fisherman workers. Reality experienced by small fisherman strengthened the argument of Marx explained that with the development of the capitalist mode of production will very much be a gap between the people who control capital and means of production with the workers. To avoid the negative impacts of fisheries modernization and change the scrolling mode of production in almost all fishing communities, it must be accompanied by the following measures: First, attention to the condition of social stratification in fishing communities. This study shows that only a big fishing class (capitalists) are able to access modern means of production while the small fishermen remain at a disadvantage even targeted exploitation of the owners of capital. Thus, the mode of production modernization effort should be directed wholly fishermen in order to provide opportunities to small fishermen to improve their standard of living so that they have the opportunity to perform vertical mobility. Second, minimize the exploitation of relationships in the relationship between the production of big and small fishing fisherman. Third, there needs to be rules and agreements that get associated with a strong legal system and procedure utilization wage sea area to prevent exploitation and abuse as well overlap in fishing area utilization, so as to minimize potential conflicts between fishermen.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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