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Title: Analisis Ekonomi Pengembangan Domba Garut Berbasis Daya Dukung Pakan Hijauan di Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut
Authors: Bahtiar, Rizal
Adhniey, Aulia Putri
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
benefit cost analys (ABM)
income analys (R/C),
increament capacity of ruminant livestock population (KPPTR)
garut lamb
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Garut known as sheep farm centers. One of sheep farm centers in Garut is District of Cikajang. The increament capacity of ruminant livestock population (KPPTR) showed that Cikajang thread over population by 4 264.01 AU. It meaned they have to find out another pasture to fulfilled the animal need. Their farms maintained traditionally. By using income analys (R/C), they lost Rp 8 143 164.81. By using benefit cost analys (ABM) showed that to develop the business take 10 years. The result of invesment (5.57%), NPV is Rp 86 541 955.96, Net B/C is 3.37, IRR is 26.21% and the payback periods is 17 months. While using capital loan (12%), NPV is Rp 47 258 120.28, Net B/C is 2.58, IRR is 18.96% and payback periods is 16 months.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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