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dc.contributor.advisorEdy Djauhari PK
dc.contributor.advisorNurcholis, Waras
dc.contributor.authorFebriananto, Erika
dc.description.abstractThe quality of simplicia as medicine raw materials determined by percentage of certain metabolites components contained in the simplicia. The selection of turmeric best accession based on curcuminoids content as the main component and starch content as a matrix constituent. This research aimed to analyze adaptability of plants from its genetic effects of turmeric towards curcuminoids and starch content of turmeric simplicia from several accession to acquire best accession with high curcuminoids and low starch. The accession that were used such as BPTO, Ciemas, Nagrak, Ngawi, Wonogiri, and the last two from Balitro Bogor best varieties i.e. Turina-1 and Turina-2. Starch measurement used Luff-schoorl methods. Curcuminoids were measured using HPLC. Starch content of all sample is 2.361-3.421%. Turina-1 have lowest starch content is 2.361% and followed by accession of Ciemas is 2.565%. Curcuminoids contents of all sample is 4.776-5.793%. Accession of Ciemas have highest curcuminoids content 5.793%. Accecions from Ciemas selected for best accecions because it has high curcuminoids and low starch content.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKandungan Pati dan Kurkuminoid Simplisia Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) sebagai Parameter Pemilihan Aksesi Terbaiken
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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