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Other Titles: The Effect of Balanced Diet And Development Educotion Intervention on Growth and Development of Early Childhood in Bogor
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pangan dan Gizi 2013
Authors: Damayanthi, Evy
Kustiyah, Lilik
Dwiriani, Cesilia M
Hernawati, Neti
Keywords: Early Childhood Education
balanced diet
nutritional status
development ofchildren
play group
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
gizi seimbang
status gizi
tumbuh kembang anak
Kelompok Bermain
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Departemen Gizi Masyarakat FEMA IPB
Abstract: ABSTRAK : The objective of this research was to identify factors that affected to quality of early childhood through balanced diet education and development of children in Rural Bogor. The research was conducted on May t{} November 2~n1at~Early~hildhood Education (ECE), sub district of West Bogor and Tanah Sareal, Rural Bogor. The intervention of balanced diet was given among 4 ECE in West Bogor, they were Play Group {PG) ~Tazkia, PG of Assyifa, ECE of Madani, and ECE of Anggrek; in addition. the control groups were PG of Bougenville, PG of Mustaqim, ECE of Inayatullah and ECE of Kartini. The result showed that most of children have normal nutritional status upon baseline and endline data collected (p>0.05). Child development among the intervention groups tend to be better than the control ones Linear R~ession Test showed that the growth of children (HAl index] after intervention has significanceinfluenced by mother's education and all ofscore ofdevelopment. ABSTRAK : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas anak usia dini melalui intervensi pendidikan gizi seimbang dan tumbuh kembang anak di Kota Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan November 2011 di 8 lembaga PAUO Kecamatan Bogor Barat dan Tanah SareaJ, Kob Bogor. Jntervensi gizi seimbang diberikan kepada 4 (empat) PAUD di Kecamatan Bogor Barat, yaitu KB Tazkia, KB Assyifa, PAUO Madani, dan PAUO Anggrek; sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah PAUO Bougenville, PAUO Mustaqim, PAUO lnayatullah, dan PAUO Karoni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bakwasebagian besar status gizi contoh pada saat sebelum dah sesudah intelVensi keduanya berada pada kategori normal dan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0.05) antara kelompok intelVensi dan keJompok kontroJ. Perkemoongan anak pada keJompok intervensi cendenmg lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. HasH analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan anak (dengan indeks tinggi hadan menurut umur-HAZ) setelah intervensi secara nyata dipengaruhi oleh lama pendidikan ibu dan total skor perkembangan.
Appears in Collections:Family and Consumer Sciences

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