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Title: Kriteria Kematangan Pascapanen Pisang Raja Bulu dan Pisang Kepok
Authors: Widodo, Winarso D.
Sutowijoyo, Danang
Keywords: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
shelf life
plantain bananas consumption
maturation process
Fresh bananas consumption
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Bananas are one of the leading fruit nation wide. Bananas are divided into 2 types based on the consumption. First, type the consumption of fresh bananas with banana varieties Raja Bulu samples and second type of processed plantain bananas with banana varieties Kepok samples. The purpose of this research is to study maturity indices studied post-harvest Raja Bulu banana and Kepok banana of some age picking fruit and determining the best harvesting time for postharvest handling. Observations that have been made show that the greater the picking age negatively correlated with the length of shelf life. At maturity level 5 color scale, picking bananas indicates different maturation process. At Raja Bulu Banana and Kepok Banana, apparent influence of shelf life observations, the percentage weight loss, percentage of edible parts, content of total tertitration acid, and content of vitamin C. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, the best harvest for post harvest handling in order to extend the shelf life on Raja Bulu Banana is 95 days, while for Kepok Banana is 110 days.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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